Mary Wells (Fahl) (Glover) (Bittinger)
Mary was counted in the following censuses:
1900 in Pennsylvania, Jefferson County, Perry
Source:; ED # 69; 19 Jun 1900
Sheet # 8A (15); Line # 10 -14; Dwelling # 133; Family visited # 135
Mitchell, James - head, male, date of birth Sept 1874, age 25, married, 1 year present marriage, self and parents born in PA, occupation-farm laborer, 1 months not employed, able the read and write, rent house
----, Alice E. - wife, female, date of birth Jan 1862, married, 1 year present marriage, 3 children born, 3 living, self and parents born in PA, able to read and write
Wells, Mary E. - step-daughter, female, date of birth Aug 1891, age 8, self and parents born in PA, attended school 7 months, able to read and write
----, Anthoney - step-son, male, date of birth Apr 1897, age 3, self and parents born in PA
Mitchell, Francis - daughter, female, date of birth Aug 1899, age 9/12, self and parents born in PA
Canadian Census Form1911
Ontario, District No. York South, S. District No. 2
Poling Sub-division No. 138-35 in Toronto, Division Duggan
Duffill, Earnest, M, Head, M, Birth month Nov., Birth Year 1885, Age of last Birthday 25
Place of Birth Ontario, Race English, Nationality Canadian, Religion Baptist, Occupation Machinist
Employed, Foundry, Wks Emp. 52, Hrs worked 60, Totel earning in 1910 $ 770, Can read, write and speak English
Mary, F, Wife, M, Birth month May, Birth Year 1890, Age of last Birthday 20
Place of Birth USA, Race English, Nationality Canadian, Religion Baptist
Can read, write and speak English
New York, State Census, 1925
Cattaraugus County, Portville
June 1, 1925 Election District 2, Street Haskill
Glover, Walter,Head, White, M, 27, United States, Yrs. in US 27, Cit. Farmer, Class W
Glover, Mary, Wife, White, F, 22, United States, Yrs. in US 27, Cit. Housewife
1940 in New York, Livingston County, North Dansville; ED 26-24 page 10B; April 1940
Lines 38-40; Eagle; House # 2; Family visited # 200; owned; $1800; does household live on farm: No
Steffy, Bert - Head, male, white, age 67, W,
attended school or college in 1940: no;
Highest Grade of school completed: 8
Place of Birth, New York
lived in same house on April 1, 1935; Yes
On a farm Yes or No? Blank
was this person AT Work for pay or profit in private or nonemerency Govt. work during week of March 24 - 30? No
If not, was he at work on, or assigned to public emergency work (WPA, NYA, CCC, etc.) during week of March 24-30? No
If neither at work or assigned to public emergency work ("NO" in Colm. 21 & 22) Was this person seeking work? No
If not seeking work did he HAVE A JOB business, etc.? No
for persons answering "no" to quest 21,22,23 and 24. Indicate whether
engaged in home house work (H) in school (S) unable to work (U) or other (Ot)? U
Glover, Walter - Friend, male, white, age 42, M,
attended school or college in 1940: No
Highest Grade of school completed: Blank
Place of Birth, New York
lived in same house on April 1, 1935;Yes
On a farm Yes or No? Blank
was this person AT Work for pay or profit in private or non emergency Govt. work during week of March 24 - 30? No
If not, was he at work on, or assigned to public emergency work (WPA, NYA, CCC, etc.) during week of March 24-30? No
If neither at work or assigned to public emergency work ("NO" in Colm. 21 & 22) Was this person seeking work? Yes
If not seeking work did he HAVE A JOB business, etc.? Blank
for persons answering "no" to quest 21,22,23 and 24. Indicate whether
engaged in home house work (H) in school (S) unable to work (U) or other (Ot)? Blank
If seeking work or assigned to public emergency work, duration of unemployment March 30, 1940 - in weeks; 12
Occupation; Tenant Industry; Farm Class of work; PW Number
of weeks worked in 1939; 52 Income in 1939; 500
Glover, Mary - Housekeeper, female, white, age 45, M,
attended school or college in 1940: No
Highest Grade of school completed: 4
Place of Birth, Pennsylvania
lived in same house on April 1, 1935; Yes
On a farm Yes or No? Blank
for persons answering "no" to quest 21,22,23 and 24. Indicate whether
engaged in home house work (H) in school (S) unable to work (U) or other (Ot)? H
Marriage License
Record of Marriages in County of Livingston State of New York
Albert Ernest Duffill and Mary Jane Wells
Groom Bride
Name:Albert Ernest Duffill Name: Mary Jane Wells
Residence: Hornell Residence: Hornell
Occupation: Bill Poster Occupation: Housekeeper
Birthplace:Toronto Canada Birthplace: Punsatawny P. A.
Father: Frederick Duffill Father: William A. Wells
Birthplace: U. S. Birthplace: United States
Mother: Elizabeth Whitney Mother: Alice Anthony
Birthplace: Canada Birthplace: United States
Color: White Color: White
age: 21 age: 17
# of Marriage: 1st # of Marriage: 1st
Date of License: April 2nd 1908 Date of Marriage: April 2nd 1908
Place of Marriage:Hornell Official: Edward M. Deems
Profession: Minister Wittness: Mrs. Alice E. Mitchell-Theodoria L. Hoel
Recorded May 14, 1908 John E. Olmsted Clerk
"New York, County Marriages, 1908-1935," index images, FamilySearch
( accessed 01 Apr 2013),
Albert Ernest Duffill and Mary J. Wells, 1908
Marriage License
Record of Marriages in County of Livingston State of New York
Walter Glover and Mary J. Fahl
Groom Bride
Name:Walter Glover Name: Mary J. Fahl
Residence: Burns N. Y. Residence: Mt. Morris N. Y.
Occupation: Farmer Occupation: Shoe Factory
Birthplace:Burns N. Y. Birthplace: Big Run P. A.
Father: Richard Glover Father: William Fahl
Birthplace: U. S. Birthplace: U. S.
Mother: Elizabeth Whitney Mother: Alice Anthony
Birthplace: U. S. Birthplace: U. S.
Color: White Color: White
age: 24 age: 27
# of Marriage: 1st # of Marriage: 1st
Widowed: No Widowed: No
Divorced: No Divorced: No
Date of License: July 14, 1921 Date of Marriage: July 15, 1921
Place of Marriage: Mt. Morris N. Y. Official: J. W. Sanderson
Profession: Clergyman Wittness: Mrs. J. W. Sanderson & Olniy N. Foote
"New York, County Marriages, 1908-1935," index images, FamilySearch
( accessed 24 Feb 2013),
Walter Glover and Mary J. Fahl, 1921
Application For Marriage License
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Counry of Armstrong
Lawrence E. Bittinger Mary J. Glover
Statement of Male Statement of Female
Relationship of Parties if any: None Relationship of Parties if any: None
Full name and surname: Lawrence E. Bittingger Full name and surname: Mary J. Glover
Race: White Race: White
Occupation: Labor Occupation: HW.
Birthplace: Cowen Tp. Birthplace: Big Run
Residence: Rd. 5 Kety Pa. Residence: Rd. 5 Kety Pa.
Age: 59 Age: 63
Year: June 7, 1896 Year: Aug. 9 1893
Previous marriage or marriages: twice Previous marriage or marriages: Once
Date of death of former wife or wifes: July 17, 1954 Date of death of former wife or wifes: Dec. 2, 1946 Cause of divorce: 1944 Cause of divorce: 1944
Name and surname of Father: William Bittinger Name and surname of Father: William Wells
Name and surname of Mother: Malinda Name and surname of Mother: Alice Wells
Maiden name of Mother: McAfance Maiden name of Mother: Anthony
Birthplace of Father: Befnas Pa. Residence of Father: Dec'd
Birthplace of Mother: Cowan Pa. Color of Father: White
Color of Father: White Color of Mother: White
Color of Mother: White Occupation of Father: Dec'd
Occupation of Father: Dec'd Occupation of Mother: Dec'd
Occupation of Mother: Dec'd Birthplace of Father: Indiana
Is Applicant physically able to support a family? Yes Birthplace of Mother: Frostburg Pa.
Sworn and subscribed before me this 1st day of June A. D. 1955
Source: Taken from "Jefferson County, Pennsylvania - Her Pioneers and People"
Vol. II, page 330-335
written by Dr. William J. McKnight, published in 1917
Alice E. Anthony was born Jan. 26, 1862,
near Putneyville, and died Oct. 12, 1915,
in Hornell, N.Y. She is buried in Woodlawn cemetery
at Canisteo, N.Y. She married William A. Wells
June 13, 1888, and two children were born to this
union: Mary and Anthony. Mary married Joseph Fahl,
and now lives in DuBois, Pa. Anthony is married
and now lives in Hornell, N.Y.
Mr. Wells died when these children were
small, and Alice E. married second a Mr. Mitchel.
One child was born of this union, Frances,
who now lives in Pittsburgh.
Taken from Old Fulton NY Post Cards
Watkins N. Y. Express Wednesday July 19, 1922
Taken from Old Fulton NY Post Cards
The Livingston County Leader Wednesday February 12, 1947.jpg
Taken from Old Fulton NY Post Cards
Castile N. Y. Castilian Thursday September 19, 1957
Leader Times Kittanning PA. Thursday July 3, 1958
Leader Times Kittanning PA. Saturday nov. 29, 1958
Daily Leader Times Kittanning Pennsylvania July 7, 1961
Mary (Wells) Glover Ancestoral Family Record
The following is the family record of Mary (Wells) Glover; The fifth generation
of this Wells ancestoral record. Born August 9, 1891 one of a family of one
son and two daughters. Who on February 14, 1921 married Walter Dewitt Grover
born December 24, 1898 died December 3, 1946 age 47 years, 11 months, 8 days.
Buried in the Arkport Cemetery, Arkport New York. To this union no children
were born.
After Walter Dewitt Glover's death, Mary (Wells) Glover, on June 7, 1955 married
Lawrence Edmond Bittinger.
Mary (Wells) Glover was the second child and daughter of William Armond and
Alice Emily (Anthony) Wells, the eighth Grandchild of Samuel Wells; Samuel Wells
being married twice. Mary (Wells) Glover was the third Granddaughter of
Samuel and Nancy (Wachob) Wells, and the Great Granddaughter of Peter and
Margaret (Pounds) Wells as well as the Great-Great Granddaughter of Christopher
and Ann (Oxworth) Wells. This record was compiled from the Bible records and
other sources, by John Samuel Wells the Grandson of Samuel Wells, the
Grandfather of Mary (Wells) Glover the subject of this Wells ancestoral record.
Checked and completed December 7, 1963 by the tracer J. S. Wells Rockton Penna.
PS. William Armon Wells was born July 21, 1865 the son of Samuel Wells born on
October 2, 1836 the son of Peter Wells born June 18, 1794 the son of Christopher
Wells born (?) died February 28, 1813 JSW.
Mary Wells Fahl