Lester Harding Dies in Buffalo Hospital. Injuries received when struck by a street car results in death. Funeral Monday Lester L, Harding 74 years old, well known resident of this vicinity died at the Buffalo City Hospital at 5 PM. yesterday. Mr. Harding was struck and knocked down by a street car in that city February 10th sustaining a fractured skull and other injuries which eventually spelled his death. He was born in Greenwood August 10, 1857 son of Alpheus and Matilda Smith Harding and spent most of his life in this vicinity. He married Retta Saulsbury of Haskinsville whose death occured about a year ago. Mr. Harding is survived by six children Lester Jr. and Carl Harding of Angelica. Mrs Flossie Briggs of Andover. Mrs Gertrude White of Almond William Harding of Arkport and Mrs. Addie Snyder of Alfred. A sister and Brother Mrs. Mary Hallet and Charles Harding of Leach Avenue this city and a sister Mrs. Nina Jones of New York Mills. The furneral will take place Monday at 2PM at the Murray Furneral Home on Frank Street and burial will follow in the Harding Plot in the Stephens Mills Cemetery.